Mobile learning scenarios (MLS)

20 Oct

Mobile learning scenarios (MLS)

This space is meant to make us ponder on the part played by blogs as learning digital tools.

The intrusion of digital environments within the learning scheme forces teachers to develop new strategies.

We talk of new strategies because digital networks change our learning time and space understanding; some people call it the “learning space dilation” (general inspections report 2007). Learning can now happen inside and outside the classroom.

The French institutional administration indicates that diplomas may be delivered while doing your studies but also through “alternate courses”, thanks to the accreditation for work experience (VAE). Numerous professional and technological teaching frames of reference offer trainings to their students. In some cases, the structures, aka the “lycée des métiers”, accept students from both backgrounds. The university law offers, under certain circumstances, a personal follow-up of its students.

How can we continue to maintain a form of pedagogical continuity within such an educative environment?

Those institutional and technological modifications make education actors wonder about several things. How can we make the contribution and the functionalities of digital technologies our own in order to make our pedagogy “mobile”? How can we have the upper hand on learning when students are inside and outside the classroom? How can we reconcile a common learning space which would combine the classroom space, the professional space and the private space all at once?

This blog offers a pondering on mobile learning: “a formalized representation of the organization and unfolding of a given learning situation in which the use of the functionalities of digital technologies cause learning to happen inside and outside the classroom.” (HG & JPM, 2007)

We chose to work on the digital space of the blog, even if the “media blur” sometimes gives it a bad image. This learning space is meant to be a collaborative space to build up knowledge (E3c) (Hélène Godinet, Jean-Paul Moiraud, 2007).

We will try to answer the following questions:

What is a pedagogical blog?

What is mobile learning?

What is the purpose of creating mobile learning scenarios?

Is it possible to mutualize mobile learning scenarios?

Is it possible to “swarm” a SPE scenario?

Beyond the mere pedagogical aspect of this project, some questions must be asked, for instance on the impact on teachers’work. Is it in the process of evolving because of the need to acquire new skills? Is the dilation of time and space modifying the definition of a teacher’s status? When do we stop being a teacher? What is the time framework of this job?

Those questions make up a very wide and rich observation field. This is a blog is meant to make analysing, thinking, formalizing and sharing possible.

Une Réponse to “Mobile learning scenarios (MLS)”


  1. Mobile learning scenarios (MLS) | Bookmarks URL - 25 octobre, 2008

    […] Mobile learning scenarios (MLS) Mobile learning scenarios (MLS) […]

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